Utilities | Store Review: Scripting

This section provides a guide to work with the Store Review scripting API.

You can access the Store Review API via the StoreReview class under the EasyMobile namespace.

Making Rating Request

To show the rating dialog using its default content and retain its default behavior, use the RequestRating method without any parameter. Note that this method is a no-op if the rating dialog has been disabled, or one of display constraints is not satisfied. You should call this method when it makes sense in the experience flow of your app, to maximize the effectiveness of the request.

On iOS 10.3 or newer, the actual display of the rating dialog is governed by App Store policy. When your app is still in sandbox/development mode, the dialog is always displayed for testing purpose. However, it won't be shown in an app that you distribute using TestFlight.

// Show the rating dialog with default behavior

To check if the rating dialog has been disabled (because the user selected Don't Ask Again or already gave a rating):

// Check if the rating dialog has been disabled
bool isDisabled = StoreReview.IsRatingRequestDisabled();

To get the number of used and remaining requests in the current year:

// Get the number of requests used this year
int usedRequests = StoreReview.GetThisYearUsedRequests();

// Get the number of unused requests this year
int unusedRequests = StoreReview.GetThisYearRemainingRequests();

To get the timestamp of the last request:

// Get the time when the last rating popup is shown
DateTime lastTime = StoreReview.GetLastRequestTimestamp();

To check if it's eligible to show the rating dialog (which means it hasn't been disabled and all display constraints are satisfied):

// Check if it's eligible to show the rating dialog and then show it
if (StoreReview.CanRequestRating())

Making Rating Request with Custom Callback

On Android or iOS older than 10.3, you can discard the default behavior of the rating dialog and provide your own implementation to suit your needs (again, on iOS 10.3 or newer we employ the native rating prompt whose behavior is governed by the system itself). This can be useful in cases when you want to perform additional tasks like recording the number of users who gave good ratings (maybe for analytics purpose). To do so, simply call the RequestRating method passing a callback in which the custom behavior is implemented. This callback takes as input an enum value representing the user action, which you can use to decide whatever action should be taken. Note that you can use the DisableRatingRequest method to prevent the rating dialog from being displayed in the future, if the user selects "Don't Ask Again" option. Also note that you can pass a null RatingDialogContent object to use the default content, otherwise create a new object as described in the Localized the Rating Dialog section above.

From the analytics point of view, it's worth noting that the rating given in the rating dialog on Android is merely a suggestion of how the user would rate the app. There's currently no reliable way to verify if it is the actual rating given on the app stores or not.

// Show rating dialog with a callback for custom behavior
// Passing null for the RatingDialogContent parameter to use the default content
StoreReview.RequestRating(null, RatingCallback);

// The rating callback
private void RatingCallback(StoreReview.UserAction action)
    switch (action)
        case StoreReview.UserAction.Refuse:
            // Don't ask again. Disable the rating dialog
            // to prevent it from being shown in the future.
        case StoreReview.UserAction.Postpone:
            // User selects Not Now/Cancel button.
            // The dialog automatically closes.
        case StoreReview.UserAction.Feedback:
            // Bad rating, user opts to send feedback email.
        case StoreReview.UserAction.Rate:
            // Good rating, user wants to rate.

Localizing Rating Dialog

To localize the content of the rating dialog, simply create a new RatingDialogContent to hold the translated texts (which you may obtain from a standard localization plugin), and pass it to the RequestRating method.

// Create a RatingDialogContent object to hold the translated content of the dialog
var localized = new RatingDialogContent(

// Show the rating popup with the localized texts

Any instance of RatingDialogContent.PRODUCT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER (literal value "$PRODUCT_NAME") will be automatically replaced by the actual product name (given in PlayerSettings) by the RequestRating method.

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