Upgrade Guide

This section describes the required actions you may need to take when upgrading to a certain version of Easy Mobile. Please visit this place before upgrading Easy Mobile to avoid unnecessary issues.

  • The steps described for a particular version apply when you upgrade from an older version to that version or a newer one.
  • Versions not listed here don't require any special upgrade steps.

Upgrading to version 2.4.0

To ensure a smooth upgrade from an older version to 2.4.0, please follow these instructions:

  • Backup your project.
  • Remove everything under the Assets/EasyMobile folder except two folders Generated and Resources.
  • Import the new package.

Upgrading to version 2.3.5

This version updated the setup process for AdMob to leverage the new settings UI of the Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin, which was introduced in its5 version 3.18.0. As a result, this version is no longer compatible with Google Mobile Ads versions older than 3.18.0. If you're upgrading to Easy Mobile Basic 2.3.5, make sure to upgrade the Google Mobile Ads plugin to version 3.18.0 or newer, if applicable.

Upgrading to version 2.3.0

To ensure a smooth upgrade from an older version to 2.3.0, please follow these instructions:

  • Before importing the new package, remove everything under the Assets/EasyMobile folder except two folders Generated and Resources.
  • After importing the new package, and if you're targeting Android, use menu Assets > Play Services Resolver > Force Resolve to update the native Android library.

Upgrading to version 2.2.0

This version is compatible with the ironSource Unity SDK version 6.7.12 which unfortunately, makes it incompatible with older versions of the ironSource SDK. If you upgrade to this version of Easy Mobile, make sure you also upgrade the ironSource SDK in your project (if any) to version 6.7.12 or newer.

Upgrading to version 2.0.0

  • Version 2.0.0 is a major update which introduces lots of changes and improvements. To make the product better, we had to make some necessary changes that break backward compatibility. Therefore we recommend a clean upgrade if you are moving from an older version to Easy Mobile Basic 2.0.0 or newer. That means you should remove the Assets/EasyMobile folder completely before importing the new version and setup the plugin again (re-apply previous settings in the Settings UI).
  • Version 2.0.0 also removes the longtime EasyMobile prefab. Now you no longer have to add it to the first scene of your app. Instead you would call the RuntimeManager.Init method (see Using Easy Mobile > Initializing).

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