Release Notes

Version 2.4.1


  • [Scripting] Added a prefix to the names of our iOS native classes to avoid possible collision with other libraries.

Bug Fixes

  • [Advertising] Fixed an issue where UnityAds banner position is not applied.
  • [Advertising] Fixed an issue where the default ad networks are always returned as "None" inside Unity editor. Now UnityAds simulation ads will be fully functioning in the editor which you can use to test your ad showing logic before building for real devices.
  • [Editor] Fixed a build error in Xcode caused by duplicate symbols "VERBOSE_DEBUG" on Unity 2019.3.

Version 2.4.0

New Features

  • [Game Services] Added the option to request server authentication code during initialization and API methods to get this code on Google Play Games platform.
  • [Game Services] Added the option to add OAuth scopes during initialization on Google Play Games platform.


  • [Editor] Upgrade to Google Play Services Resolver version 1.2.131.
  • [GIF] Moved Moments' editor scripts into Assets/EasyMobile/Editor folder, which now contains all editor scripts of the package; this should facilitate the process of creating assemblies for Easy Mobile.
  • [GIF] Renamed Moments namespace to EM_Moments so it won't collide with other 3rd party plugins that also employ the Moments library.
  • [GIF] Deprecated the Giphy.Upload method that uses the now-obsolete Giphy public beta key.

Bug Fixes

  • [Privacy] Fixed rendering issues of the consent dialog in Dark Mode on iOS 13.
  • [Editor] Fixed a script error due to TargetGuidByName(GetUnityTargetName()) being deprecated in Unity 2019.3.
  • [Editor] Fixed an error due to the obsolete GUI Layer component being attached to MainCamera game objects in demo scenes in Unity 2019.3.

Version 2.3.5


  • [Advertising] Update the setup process for AdMob, leveraging the new built-in settings UI introduced in version 3.18.0 of the Google Mobile Ads plugin. IMPORTANT: this version is no longer compatible with Google Mobile Ads plugin versions older than 3.18.0.
  • [Advertising] Restored the ability to show UnityAds' emulated ads inside the editor.
  • [Editor] Simplified manifest merging process during APK exporting.

Version 2.3.4


  • [Editor] Upgrade to Google Play Services Resolver version 1.2.124.

Bug Fixes

  • [Advertising] Fixed errors due to API changes introduced in MoPub Unity SDK 5.8.0.

Version 2.3.3


  • [Editor] Upgrade to Google Play Services Resolver version 1.2.122.

Bug Fixes

  • [Advertising] Fixed an issue in the way the Facebook Audience Network client handles the RewardedAdCompleted event and updated the client implementation to be more robust.

Version 2.3.2

Bug Fixes

  • Minor bug fix.

Version 2.3.1


  • [Advertising] Now using IUnityAdsListener to handle UnityAds events as recommended for UnityAds package version 3.

Version 2.3.0

New Features

  • [Editor] Revamped editor UI, which now has 3 tabs: Settings, Build and Tools. The new UI not only looks better, but also is more intuitive and organized and helps you control everything from one place.
  • [Editor] Introducing one further step towards truly modular system: now build required components such as Android Manifest elements (permissions, features, activities, etc.) and iOS Info.plist keys are only added if the corresponding module or submodule is enabled.
  • [Editor] Adding the ability to manage Android permissions and iOS Info.plist keys required by Easy Mobile right in the editor UI.
  • [Editor] Adding a tool to export Easy Mobile settings.
  • [Advertising] Adding AppLovin support!
  • [Advertising] Adding support for Unity Monetization SDK 3.0!
  • [Advertising] Adding support for Unity Ads banner (Unity Monetization SDK or built-in Advertisement package 3.0 or newer required).
  • [Advertising] Automated AdMob test mode (no need to enter device IDs anymore).
  • [In-App Purchasing] Adding the Auto Initialization toggle option.


  • [Editor] Upgrade to Google Play Services Resolver version 1.2.104.
  • [Advertising] Removed code that used Heyzap APIs that were deprecated since its 9.55 version.

Bug Fixes

  • [Advertising] Fixed an incompatible code with the Chartboost SDK 7.3.0.
  • [Advertising] Fixed an incompatible code with the MoPub SDK 5.7.0.

Version 2.2.6


  • [Advertising] Automatically add the GADApplicationIdentifier key with the provided AdMob App ID into Info.plist when exporting XCode projects as required by the Google Mobile Ads iOS SDK 7.42.0. More info

Bug Fixes

  • [Advertising] Fixed a bug causing the AdMob's RewardedAdCompleted event to intermittently fail to raise in Android development builds.

Version 2.2.5

Bug Fixes

  • [Advertising] Fixed an incompatibility issue with MoPub Unity SDK 5.5+.
  • [Advertising] Workaround the issue where the RewardedAdCompleted event is not raised properly when using AdMob mediation with UnityAds.

Version 2.2.4


  • [Editor] Upgraded to Google Play Services Resolver 1.2.102.

Bug Fixes

  • [Advertising] Fixed an incompatibility issue with MoPub Unity SDK 5.4+.
  • [Notifications] Fixed an exception in parsing vibration pattern when creating notification channels on Android.

Version 2.2.3

Bug Fixes

  • [Privacy] Fixed a bug where the ConsentDialog.Completed event is called with null results.

Version 2.2.2

Bug Fixes

  • [GIF] Fixed errors on Unity 2018.3.0f2 due to ambiguity between 'Moments.MinAttribute' and 'UnityEngine.MinAttribute'.
  • [GIF] Fixed warnings on Unity 2018.3.0f2 due to WWW class being deprecated.
  • [In-App Purchasing] Fixed a bug causing GetPurchaseReceipt() to fail for a product that has store-specific ID different than its cross-platform ID.
  • [Editor] Fixed warnings on Unity 2018.3.0f2 due to PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType() method being deprecated.

Version 2.2.1


  • [Advertising] Optimizing the implementation of LoadAllDefinedPlacements ad-loading mode.
  • [Game Services] Bringing back the option to ignore AndroidMaxLoginRequests by setting it to 0.
  • [Editor] Now the Inspector window is automatically focus when opening Easy Mobile Settings.

Version 2.2.0

New Features

  • The GIF module - formerly a pro-only feature - is now available on Basic version. You now have full access to the low-overhead screen recorder, the high-performance GIF encoder and the Giphy upload API in your project!


  • [Advertising] Now compatible with the latest version of the ironSource SDK (6.7.12)
  • [Editor] Upgraded to Google Play Services Resolver version 1.2.95.

Bug Fixes

  • [Advertising] Fixed a bug where the "LoadAllDefinedPlacements" mode doesn't load ads at default placements if some custom placements are not properly defined.

Version 2.1.0

New Features

  • [Advertising] Improved Automatic Ad Loading feature, now it can either load only default ads, or load ads at all placements defined in the module settings, which means you can completely forget about manual ad loading now.


  • [Advertising] The Advertising.IsAutoLoadDefaultAds, Advertising.EnableAutoLoadDefaultAds and Advertising.SetAutoLoadDefaultAds are now deprecated and replaced by the Advertising.AutoAdLoadingMode property.

Bug Fixes

  • [Notifications] Fixed a bug related to applying consent during initializing OneSignal.
  • [Notifications] Fixed irrelevant warning message when generating constants without having any user categories defined.

Version 2.0.0

New Features

  • [Advertising] Added support for Facebook Audience Network.
  • [Advertising] Added consent support (GDPR compliance).
  • [Advertising] Added support for ironSource.
  • [Advertising] Added support for showing ads at multiple ad placements in an app.
  • [Advertising] Added support for Mopub Ads.
  • [Advertising] Added support for Tapjoy.
  • [Game Services] Added popup gravity setting for Google Play Games platform.
  • [In-App Purchasing] Added a method to get subscription product information using Unity IAP's SubscriptionManager class.
  • [In-App Purchasing] Added a method to get Amazon user ID.
  • [In-App Purchasing] Added support for Apple's Ask-To-Buy feature.
  • [In-App Purchasing] Added an option to enable Amazon store sandbox testing.
  • [In-App Purchasing] Added support for Apple's Promotional Purchases.
  • [Notifications] Added consent support (GDPR compliance).
  • [Notifications] Android local notifications are now expandable (Android 4.1 or newer only).
  • [Privacy] brand new module introduced in version 2.0.0 that offers convenient tools and resources to help with getting GDPR-compliant including:
    • A comprehensive, flexible consent management system.
    • A native, multi-purpose, customizable consent dialog that can serve as a common interface for collecting user consent for all services in an app.
    • Easy-to-use graphical composer for editing consent dialog content.
    • A location checking tool, for detecting if the current device is in the European Economic Region (EEA), which is regulated by GDPR.
  • [Editor] Brand new redesigned settings UI that is cleaner, friendlier and prettier :)
  • [Editor] Brand new redesigned settings UI, once again. (sorry we got too excited, but the new UI looks really cool, you'll like it :D)


  • [Editor] The long-time EasyMobile prefab is now officially deprecated. Easy Mobile initialization can now be done from script using the RuntimeManager class (see Initializing).
  • [Editor] The minimum required version of Unity is now 5.5.5f1.
  • [Editor] Upgraded to Google Play Services Resolver version 1.2.89.

Bug Fixes

  • [Notifications] Fixed a bug causing the local repeat notifications in the Notifications demo scene to not function on Android devices due to missing category definition in the module settings.
  • [Utilities] Fixed a bug causing the rating dialog to be dismissible by tapping outside of the popup and prevent subsequent dialogs from being shown.

Version 1.1.0

New Features

  • [Notifications] Added support for Firebase Cloud Messaging as a remote notification service.
  • [Notifications] Added methods to get and set application icon badge number on iOS.


  • [Editor] Update the Google Play Services Resolver plugin to version 1.2.69
  • [Editor] Build managing script now uses IPreProcessBuildWithReport and IPostProcessBuildWithReport interfaces on Unity 2018.1.0 and newer instead of the deprecated IPreProcessBuild and IPostProcessBuild interfaces.

Version 1.0.0p1

Bug Fixes

  • [Notifications] Fixed a bug that may cause local notifications to not be scheduled correctly if the trigger date is not specified in local timezone.

Version 1.0.0

First release.

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